However we have made an index of all the content on this website for your easy convenience, though mods are no longer supported by us. - Sporedum Archives! Name Last modified Size Description Re: How to Install a mod Unread post by IrkenLizzy » Fri 6:24 pm I downloaded SPORE Galactic Adventures through ORIGIN (EA Download Manger), And for some reason i don't have the correct Galactic Adventures data bin, only the origonal spore data bin, sp that any mods installed ONLY go to SPORE.

In short, the attention to detail that has been used in each and every aspect of Spore is spectacular. The tropical environments are very vivid and lush, while the volcanoes feature burst of flame and flowing magma. Spore features cartoony and colourful graphics that are instantly appealing. Installing Mods for XP and Vista: Installing current generation Spore mods is simple enough, simply copy the.package (eg improvedinterstellerdrive.package) file into Spore’s Data directory. NOTE: While the Spore ModAPI has empowered mod developers like never before, our ability to add 'new' functionality still has its limits, so if there's nothing in Spore that can already do it.

Mod Request Post your mod requests/ideas here, not in with the actual mods.