In this instance, an error message will be displayed and you will be required to complete the field before continuing with the application. Some fields may also give you the option to select "Does Not Apply." If a field does not apply to you, you may mark the box next to "Does Not Apply." All other fields must be completed: the application will not allow you to submit a form with any mandatory fields left blank. You may leave fields marked "Optional" blank.

Applications submitted in any language other than English may be rejected, and you will be required to log back into the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) and provide English answers. All answers, except as specially provided, must be in English, using English characters only. embassy or consulate where you will apply. You can access the DS-260 from the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website, by going to and clicking on "Submit Visa Application and Civil Documents," or on the website of the U.S.

number (refer to the message you received from NVC)

embassies and consulates where NVC requested fees or documents in October 2010 or later may use the DS-260, Online Immigrant Visa Application. Important Notice: Only immigrant visa applicants applying at certain U.S. U Nonimmigrant Visa: Victims of Criminal Activity.E-3 - Australian Specialty Occupation Workers.